Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I got to wake up bright and early today to work on some inlay preps in sim clinic. The whole ordeal went decently well, considering it was my first and I did not have near enough coffee in my body yet. Pictures are below for your viewing pleasure…oh and Happy Wednesday!

Our brand new typodonts… that look identical to our old ones. ^

The beginning of an inlay prep on #19 ^

Continuing the occlusal prep all the way through #20… does anyone else see a faint outline of an elephant?^

Dropping boxes. ^

Smoothing walls and floors etc… ^

Finished inlays on #19 and #20… picture is a little blurry,  oh well. 
P.S. If you click on the pictures, it makes them bigger and the quality improves a little. FYI. 


  1. I don't know if I can see the material in the finished product. What material did you use for the inlay?

  2. Hi Patrice! I didn't show it with any filing material in it. We just temporized them, so I didn't take a picture. Good catch though!
