Monday, August 29, 2011

Root Canal Therapy Monday

Well Hello! It is Monday here, and probably Monday where you are too, and what better to do on a Monday then RCT!? Here is a little step by step of some molar endo to help make your Monday fab. I mean it is not being done on you, so that has to make you a little happy. Enjoy!

The setup… ready to access some canals ^

My cute little patient ^

Just starting the accessing ^

Exposed pulp horns ^

Two of the 3 canals were found, but the darn mesial canal was impossible to  find. Radiographically it is visible, but clinical I swear it didn't exist. Ugh. Even the endodontist couldn't find it. ^

See?! Mesial canal exists. Frustrating.

Happy Monday! (I used the word "Monday" 6 times in this post… win.)


  1. Nice radiograph! And yes, happy monday to you too, friend :)

  2. Wow, that simulation is nice. This can definitely help me teach my patients how RCT works. Good job!

  3. That's a nice simulation you got there! I never knew how a root canal procedure works until I read this article. :) I will have a root canal in two weeks so I searched about it today. My dentist said it can be worse if I don't undergo on this procedure now. :p

  4. Root canal treatment usually takes 2-3 visits. The length of each visit and the duration between visits will depend on the nature of work to be performed and the extent of infection. In some cases where there is no infection and root canal treatment is performed from a restorative point of view, the procedure can be completed in one visit.
