Monday, May 30, 2011

Holy Schmoly…

My study set-up…soon to be dismantled :) ^
Well it's that time…you know, that time I have been slaving away for and stressing for? Come on… it's BOARDS time!! I was pretty sure that the day before my boards I would be a nervous wreck. I thought I would be pacing, frantically reading notes, and calling friends who took it for advice. Boy was I wrong…I did all that yesterday! (JK.) No, no, no in all seriousness, I do feel surprisingly relaxed today. I am reading through a few notes and I plan on being done with studying rather early in the day. For me, preparing for boards has been much more of a marathon than a sprint. I started preparing a while back (January?) and I have kept a decently steady pace throughout. I knew when I woke up this morning that this is my rest day, a day to be proud of the work I put in, be confident in what I know, and not to worry about all the stuff I don't know. I am actually a little excited for my test tomorrow, finally able to relieve my aching brain of all this extra information and then dash off for a much needed vacation with my husband. I hope you all have a lovely Memorial Day. Happy Monday!